As we observe Mental Health Awareness Month this May, we at Karuna would like to share how we are taking care of our mental health.
Spending time outdoors
We love spring! Perfect time of the year to step out, soak up some sun (wearing sunscreen 😎), lounge on the deck or go hiking in the parks, greenways and river walks all around the city. And the bonus: being in nature boosts creativity, mood and energy while decreasing stress and anxiety.
Physical movement
We’re playing pickleball, jumping rope and running; hitting the gym, the yoga mat and the walking trail, moving our bodies and activating our endorphins.
Community connections
From book clubs and sanghas to professional societies, consultation groups and coffee klatches with colleagues, we recognize the sense of belonging and purpose that our social, spiritual and professional communities give us. They are affirming and fulfilling in so many ways, connecting us with those who share our values and decreasing feelings of isolation.
Nurturing relationships with loved ones
Letting our family and friends know that we appreciate and love them keeps our relationships alive. Research in neuroscience tells us that when we have supportive and caring relationships and spend time with loved ones (including our furry friends), we regulate our emotions, brains and nervous systems.
Leisure pursuits (and guilty pleasures)
We are enjoying bird watching, beekeeping, gardening, listening to podcasts and watching movies (did you know that the historic Tara Theater, home of Atlanta’s independent movies, reopened last year?) And indulging in some guilty pleasures like binge watching shows on Netflix. Also, Atlanta is known for its amazing cultural festivals and jazz concerts, and many of them are free. Why not check some out this summer?
Therapists love their therapists! We’re the first to acknowledge that we could all use a listening ear in these intense times. Working with a trained professional who listens deeply, bears witness to your struggles and joys with compassion and objectivity and helps you find insights, healing and inspiration in life is, well, therapeutic. No matter where you are in life, knowing yourself, strengthening your relationships, improving your mental health and defining what matters to you are all excellent reasons to see a therapist.
Happy Mental Health Awareness Month from all of us at Karuna.