We’re welcoming a New Year!
Do you make Resolutions or set Intentions for the upcoming new year? If you are interested in doing this, it’s important to set a goal/resolution in ways that support your success. Please consider the following when you’re setting a goal/resolution:
- Utilize the SMART acronym:
o S = specific. Be clear with what you want to accomplish
o M = measurable. Use a metric to measure progress (e.g., 10 minutes, 2 planks, 1 mile)
o A = achievable. Make a realistic goal that can be reached
o R = relevant. Something that supports your personal values and/or longer-term goals
o T = time bound. A timeframe for the completion
- Utilize self-compassion and grace as you begin working toward something new. The process doesn’t need to be perfect!
While a new calendar year can be a popular point in time to make goals/resolutions – we can set goals at any time, and we don’t need to do this at the beginning of a new year. Whether you decide to set a new year’s resolution or not, Karuna Counseling is sending you into the new year with our best wishes.