Ok, full confession: I sat down to write some words because this month is my turn to do so. Without any other grand intention, I put myself in front of my computer and waited for inspiration to strike me. And then, somewhat literally, ‘a little birdie whispered in my ear’. Most accurately, I heard the bird calls coming from outside my window. I paused to just listen for some moments. And then I noticed the smile that had made its way to my face. And then I sat and smiled even bigger.
I became aware that the outside world had fallen silent, but by then it was too late. I’d surrendered to joy. The sweet songs were still in my mind’s ears, and I imagined the birds now bringing those songs to a somewhere else and smiled for the folks that were hearing them directly in that moment. I felt connected to those people and, yep, another smile and more joy.
We are alive in arguably super-hard times. Hard in big ways for many of us. Plus all the small and regular-sized hards we often have. But that doesn’t mean we are obligated to struggle or bear witness to suffering (our own or others’) 24/7. If anything, it is likely more important than ever to stay connected to – to sit a spell now and again with, if you will – that which lights us up. However small or big (spend a week on that beach or take the three-minute dance break). The hard will likely still be there when you’re done, but maybe you’ll meet that hard – or that dark – from a lighter or fuller place within you. Maybe it won’t look or feel quite as hard or dark from this new place. Or maybe it will, but you gifted yourself a break for even a little bit and reminded yourself of what else also exists in your world.
I encourage you to reflect on and write a list of the things that bring you joy; the things that make your heart smile and light you up, even just a little bit. Consider if it might be possible to commit to finding time daily for at least one smaller thing on your list, and make a real plan for any bigger ticket item.
Surrender to joy. You’re allowed. A little birdie whispered in my ear…